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find inspiration

b ' c o z i t ' s a l w a y s r u n n i n g a n d h i d i n g

I've been searching for quite some time now and it is really hard to find it when you need it. No one has any reads on this irksome bit of passion we like to call inspiration so I decided I'd write something of my own. Whether these suggestions will help or not is beyond me. But, it can't hurt, right?.

Adventure! Going on a vacation anywhere? Grasp it. When you're given some free time, see if you can't go on a nature walk. You could find an interesting flower that will act as the model of your newest design or maybe on your way back from the facilities on a camping trip you could end up in a stand off with a skunk. Oh, wait.. that was me. Either way, adventuring is another form of passion for some, therefore, if you enjoy it, a wave of inspiration is sure to crash upon your.. uh.. shore.. (Well, I didn't intend for the pun and metaphor to clash!)

Take a Break Go ahead~ Take a hiatus! We don't mind (well, maybe just a little..) (just kidding). All kicks and hee-has aside, a hiatus is a perfect way to rejuvenate. Chances are, once you go long enough without updating your website, you'll have an urge to make a horde of graphics. (I've done so before!)

Ask a Friend Sometimes we like to outsource. Much like the East and West borrow fashion trends from each other, friends tend to borrow ideas. Ask a close friend about any brainstorming they could do for you and they might just give you the right idea to send you on a rampage (a graphics-making rampage that is).

Sleep Well, if you have one of those abstract dreams, why not use it to your advantage, am I right?

Read, Listen, and Watch Reading a novel might give you an inspiration for a subject or theme within a layout. A song may give you lyrics that inspire the look and feel of your graphics, and television could do quite the same job as the novel. Like I said, influences from outside sources are a great way to get some inspiration.

Web Jump This is an amusing game I'll play often when I wish to procrastinate. Simply go to an affiliate's website and search for the website you don't recognize or barely recognize under their own affiliates. Scout out their site, grab some ideas along the way, and head to their affiliates to find your next destination. You never know where it'll take you to. I often find ideas for navigation this way, and I also like to peek at certain sites' credits pages in order to find out where they get their resources. It's unbelievable how many resource sites are out there!

Download Brushes This is a bonus tip (and that's because it may not work). However, whenever I do the above step, I find myself staring down new sites with brushes that I absolutely adore. So, I download said brushes, and when I do, I get an urge to use these brushes to make a new graphic. It's a little like I wish to put them to the test.

Well, at the end of my small guide I bid you farewell and good luck and I apologize sincerely if I wasn't able to help.

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